The world of consumer retail and distribution has evolved as companies of all sizes, with online and offline channels, seek to gain and retain their position in this highly competitive and increasingly digital industry. While some global companies struggle to transition away from outdated legacy platforms, new competitors and retail stores enjoy the advantages of cloud natives, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, machine learning and other digital transformation trends in the retail market. As the universe of commerce expands, new business models are needed to bridge the widening gaps in digital technology and customer experience.

Consumers expect the retail sector to meet them where they are with a reliable and ethical product, continuous connectivity across platforms, privacy and security for their customer data, and a rewarding and seamless experience. For the retail business, there is a need for real-time customer, inventory management, distribution, logistics, and financial data analytics. In the post-Covid era, brick-and-mortar stores and other retailers are scrambling to adopt omnichannel retail solutions and cross channel order management that allows them to connect their customer sales channels and data across all platforms. As supply chain uncertainty and cyberattacks become more common, businesses are investing millions into digital technology solutions that will ensure supply chain resilience, optimization, and security.

Retailers need to alter their product mix, change warehouse management, develop new partnerships, and leverage data across all channels in order to provide the convenience, assortment and experience consumers expect today. A successful retail digital transformation partner enables retailers to achieve their goals by locating, utilizing and using industry-leading commerce technologies.

Expected global, annual business innovation spending in the Retail industry by 2025.

by 2025.

Source: Gartner

Expected global, annual IT spending in the Retail industry by 2025

Source: Gartner

Increase in speed of execution of digital roadmaps through cloud and data-driven consulting and systems integration partners.

Source: IDC

Expected global retail ecommerce sales by year 2025, representing 24% of all retail sales.

Source: Insider Intelligence

digital transformation in the retail industry


At DMI, we believe retail digital transformation starts and ends with the customer. The post-pandemic consumer will abandon brands and online retailers that don’t support their “new” values—and will pay more to those that do.

Customer-focused commerce consists of how and where you discover the modern customer, engage them, and build a brand experience that matches their expectations. From there, it’s about how you convert, communicate, and retain them – all while staying within your brand and goals. At DMI, we deploy digital solutions on a global scale with speed to help you nurture and retain your relationship with your customers as you adapt to the rapidly changing retail and distribution landscape.

We believe amazing customer engagement delivered through an enhanced and connected experience will win the battle for the customer today and position brands for growth and innovation in the future. The challenge today is to connect all of the data, touchpoints, products, and promotions to deliver a delightful and unified experience to your customers. It’s not physical or digital; it’s all about the blended experience.

digital transformation in retail


At DMI, we offer an extensive range of digital technologies, services, innovative solutions, and top-tier products designed to facilitate and drive retail digital transformation, ensuring your retail business will not only adapt but thrive in an increasingly digital-centric landscape, maintaining a competitive edge and meeting the evolving customer behavior and demands.



We offer technology solutions for any size of client, from enterprise-level to niche or mid-sized clients. DMI begins delivery with award-winning strategy and UX experience, then supports it with a range of industry-leading platforms, solutions and accelerators. The result of this approach is a cost-efficient, customized, agile foundation for engagement that can be modified and deployed on a global scale with speed.

Our leaders have 20+ years of delivering enterprise-grade commerce solutions for leading retailers with multiple sales channels. We have built digital commerce solutions for retail clients who have grown their digital businesses from zero to hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. DMI believes in creating customized solutions to meet our clients wherever they are in order to deliver a unified and satisfying experience for their customers and create a successful retail digital transformation.