Sunny Bajaj always wanted to follow in his parents’ entrepreneurial footsteps — but he didn’t initially know when, where or how.

Following the events of Sept. 11, 2001, Bajaj saw the need for government agencies to share information to better respond. He believed he could create a company that would solve those kinds of organizational dilemmas with existing and emerging technologies. His initial start was in the federal contracting world.

The Sept. 7 interview with Bajaj was featured in an episode of Bloomberg TV’s “The American Dream,” where he discussed his journey of launching DMI from inside a garage to growing the organization into a $400 million company with 22 offices across the globe and 2,000 employees.

The segment also delves into how Bajaj’s father is heading up DMI’s new artificial intelligence portfolio AIQUS, which encompasses conversational technologies, core automation with natural language processing and video analytics, deep learning, and machine learning.

The company’s advances in AI have been further fueled through a recent investment and partnership with AI start-up Zasti, which holds award-winning AI technology used by industry leaders in insurance, transportation and health care.

“In today’s hyperconnected world, DMI helps enterprises and government organizations leverage mobility, analytics, cloud, etc. to create new revenue models and realize cost savings,” Bajaj said. “We hope that new DMI partners will see this segment and better understand how digital transformation can vastly enhance their business processes, culture and customer experiences to meet today’s rapidly evolving business challenges.”

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