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    custom bundling and promotional features released since launch

Client Intro

The Like a lot of startups, Purple Innovation Inc., which calls itself a comfort technology company, initially launched eCommerce on a monolithic platform that provided the basic tools necessary to enable online sales. The company also chose a developer-based legacy CMS tool to power its front-end. It didn’t take long before the unique product and selling proposition Purple offered captured consumer interest.

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Founded in 2015 by two brothers, the company launched its online business in 2017. Less than two years later, leadership realized the commerce platform couldn’t sufficiently scale to meet their continuously evolving marketing and promotional needs.

Thankfully, they identified commercetools and chose its enterprise headless, API-first solution as the best fit for their existing and future needs.

Unfortunately, a year later, the systems integrator Purple chose to work with was still struggling to develop the company’s complex bundling features.


commercetools recommended that Purple bring in DMI to rescue the project. The DMI team rose to the task, quickly formulating a plan of action to ensure the company was prepared for the upcoming holiday season.

First, DMI conducted a short audit of what had already been built.

After assessing the results to determine how much was salvageable, it became clear most of what the previous SI had built would be difficult to fix. The DMI team collaborated with Purple leadership to clearly identify what was needed to ensure they had a viable MVP in place for the holiday shopping season.

After launching that project, the next step was putting a strategic plan in place to implement the additional initiatives necessary for the brand to fully leverage the power and scalability of commercetools.

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Technologies and Capabilities

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Digital Experience

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Application Development


Purple’s new checkout experience was built on an aggressive schedule to be ready in early October 2019. When launch day arrived, confidence levels were so high that 100% of the traffic was moved within a week — fully transitioning the company away from its legacy eCommerce platform. This allowed DMI to sunset its old CMS and remove all reliance on the legacy system.
Today, Purple has the scalability and flexibility needed to enable growth. Purple is continuing to maximize its investment by developing features for product display pages and further configuring its in-house promo engine.

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About DMI

DMI is a leading global provider of digital services working at the intersection of public and private sectors. With broad capabilities across IT managed services, cybersecurity, cloud migration and application development, DMI provides onsite and remote support to clients within governments, healthcare, financial services, transportation, manufacturing, and other critical infrastructure sectors. DMI’s commitment to excellence in service delivery has resulted in dramatic growth, with clients among all fifteen U.S. Federal Departments and hundreds of Fortune 1000 companies.