Organizational change management (OCM) breaks down barriers to innovation and cloud-migration
adoption.When done right, OCM solutions can address fear; entrenched, status-quo decision making; cultural
constructs inhibiting cross-functional collaboration; minimal employee empowerment; and discomfort with
ambiguity that can inhibit innovation and successful cloud migration.
Effective OCM turns employees into stakeholders invested in innovation and cloud migration _ change owners
who lead the charge, knock down barriers, and sustain cloud operations. OCM will also help organizations
overcome common cultural dynamics counter to success, reduce confusion, and minimize business disruption
impacting the return on investment.
• Strategic roadmap to align cloud migration goals with behavior change
• Process-change and role-gap mapping to future-state cloud operations and activities
• OCM program governance to guide impacted stakeholders through cloud migration
• OCM kick-off workshops to align stakeholders and OCM plans around migration goals
• Change-adoption behavior definition and measurement specific to cloud operations
• OCM strategy, planning, and resourcing to support cloud migration goals
The DMI TRANSCEND methodology helps organizations transform and ascend to new heights by aligning strategic
milestones, predictive change-adoption behaviors, proven OCM approaches, and human-centric OCM delivery to
empower innovation and employee ownership of successful, sustained adoption.
• Stakeholder analysis to gauge the stakeholder’s impact on cloud migration
• Change-readiness assessments of the culture’s readiness for cloud operations
• Engagement strategy, including change agent networks comprising stakeholders from
all internal communities impacted by cloud migration
• Case for change for cloud migration and operations
• Communication channel and audience analysis
• Communication strategy and plan management to ensure a frequent cadence of iterative
communication and feedback loops focused on cloud migration
• Training needs assessment to ensure stakeholder success in the new cloud-based organizational ecosystem
• Training strategy, plans, materials and delivery to enable the necessary skills and knowledge stakeholders
will need to succeed during cloud migration and operations
• Sustainment-needs assessment to identify skill and knowledge gaps and key behaviors to enable and
reinforce the organizational change until the anticipated ROI associated with cloud migration and
adoption is realized
• Sustainment strategy, plans, materials and resource training to enable stakeholder ownership and
leadership to create the organizational “muscle memory” needed to achieve success and realize
the full benefit of cloud migration and operations
• Change-adoption tracking and calibration of behaviors and measures established to gauge and facilitate
operational continuity, minimal disruption, and optimal benefit during cloud migration and the
normalization of cloud operations
TRUST: Is the starting point for a successful transformation like cloud adoption. Trust
means top-down transparency, organization-wide awareness, and candid dialogue about the
change impacts of cloud migration and operations. Trust is established through visible and
authentic change sponsorship from leaders, frequent and transparent communication,
and a people-centric OCM plan of action that demonstrates empathy and articulates the behavior changes
associated with new ways of working in the new cloud ecosystem.
READINESS ACUMEN: Having a keen sense of organizational readiness for change,
both from a cultural perspective and specific to your most pressing change imperatives, is
necessary to anticipate and address responses to change associated with cloud migration.
Key components of a Readiness Acumen protocol include alignment workshops with key
stakeholders, leadership interviews, stakeholder analysis, change-readiness and impact analysis, support
and training needs analysis, and coaching plans.
NETWORKING: Connections between people, just like those between diverse
technologies, hold things together, whether it is a technological ecosystem or an
organizational culture calibrated to support transformation. Given the broadly transformative
nature of cloud migration and operations, a holistic network of human connections is essential
to optimizing cloud operations, and should include a change-agent network; frequent, iterative, and targeted
stakeholder communications; people-centric OCM solution designed using stakeholder feedback
SUSTAINMENT CULTURE: Sustainment is essential to ensuring cloud migration
adoption and building the “muscle memory” ensuring behaviors in support of successful
cloud operations “stick.” Sustainment drives ROI anticipated with the move to cloud
operations by using embedding employee teams of change agents and communities
of practice to reinforce new behaviors, ways of working, and success measures and objectives in the
cloud environment.
EMPLOYEE-LED NORMALIZATION: Employee-enabled OCM converts purpose
into action, creating a dynamic that empowers employees to own the success of cloud
migration and operations, and the associated goals and benefits. The people-centric solutions
created as part of Networking and Sustainment Culture activities gives employees the
leading role in driving and sustaining successful cloud adoption.
DISCIPLINE: The success of any cloud adoption initiative depends on the level of
organizational investment. Discipline ensures everyone maintains focus on the goals and
understands the value and how it is realized. Employee-led normalization, comprising a
network of peers who support and hold each other accountable, as well as visible leadership
during this critical phase, is key to ensuring everyone is committed to cloud migration and successful
adoption of cloud operations.
• Your organization will experience higher cloud-
migration adoption and smoother transition to
and sustainment of cloud operations
• Optimal outcomes via cloud-enabled efficiency,
ROI, and client satisfaction
• Minimized business disruption and confusion
during cloud migration
• Greatly improved chances of meeting
transformational, schedule, and financial goals
associated with the transition to cloud operations
• Improved employee retention, engagement, and
contribution to innovation and day-to-day
efficiencies enabled by cloud migration and
• A more innovative, resilient, and transformation-
minded culture ready to leverage the full potential
of cloud operations
The DMI OCM practice brings more than 35 years of
combined OCM experience to bear in addressing
your innovation and change-adoption challenges
and initiatives. Led by an award-winning, Proscicertified (ADKAR®) OCM professional, the OCM
practice is accomplished at driving people-centric
change and engaging stakeholders via crossfunctional dialog; alignment, engagement, adoption,
readiness, and risk-mitigation activities;
change networks and sustainment structures;
operationalizing process and behavior change;
reducing transformational disruption and realizing
return on investment.
Our OCM practice experience includes engagements
with healthcare, manufacturing, financial, IT,
biotechnology, energy, government, and
defense clients.
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Digital Management, LLC (DMI)
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P 240-728-7168
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