Published On: January 11th, 20241 min read

DMI won an on-premises application hosting contract with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention valued at $27 million.

Under the contract, DMI will provide on-site application hosting and monitoring services at CDC data centers in Atlanta, Georgia.

“To ensure the public can consistently access CDC’s digital services, the agency requires 24/7/365 operational support for its on-premises data centers,” said Pankil Patel, DMI vice president of public sector health and human services. “DMI’s proven application operations and maintenance practices will not only ensure availability and accessibility of the systems and their data, but also afford us the opportunity to introduce technical advancements. This opportunity solidifies DMI as a value-added partner to CDC.”

DMI will also provide software and data management improvements to CDC applications to help CDC’s critical missions.

“DMI is committed to advancing the CDC’s critical mission as a new partner to the agency,” said Amy Rall, president of DMI’s public sector. “At DMI we are uniquely situated at the intersection of the public sector’s mission-driven initiative and the private sector’s tireless pursuit of progress, bringing insights and expertise from both sectors to optimize CDC’s data centers, driving digital transformation, without compromising security or functionality.”