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Many cloud environments are hybrid in nature, incorporating Private Cloud, multiple Public Clouds, Edge Cloud, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Managing these diverse environments can be challenging. DMI’s artificial intelligence (AI) powered Hybrid-Cloud+ solution helps customers manage these environments intelligently, securely, and cost-effectively. The key components of DMI’s Hybrid-Cloud+ include Hybrid and Multi-cloud Management, supporting all major Public and Private Clouds; Edge Cloud Management, supporting compute, storage, and network services at Edge locations; and Internet of Things Hub & Internet of Things Gateway Management, supporting solutions provided by major Cloud Service Providers (CSPs).

DMI Hybrid-cloud+ solution offers several key services: a Unified Management Platform built on commercial technologies and DMI’s innovations; Automation & Orchestration for various cloud operations and service management activities; Open Integrations with over 80 software technologies; a Self-Service Catalogue for development teams; Compliance & Zero Trust Security management; artificial intelligence-based Observability for predictive monitoring; and Edge Cloud Connectivity Management. These services work together to provide a comprehensive solution for managing complex hybrid cloud environments.

Business Benefits

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Streamlined Operations

Implementation of a unified management portal provides a single pane of glass across Hybrid-Cloud, Multi-Cloud, and Edge-Cloud environments. This streamlines operations and management. DMI also provides unified service management tools and technologies for ease of operations.

Improved Observability

Cross-platform monitoring dashboards for services spread across multiple cloud platforms provide continuous visibility of availability and performance.

Higher Availability, Better Cost Optimization, Improved Security

Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered orchestration enhances availability, cost optimization, and security.

Efficient Workflow Management

Integrations among management, monitoring, IT Service Management (ITSM), and security tools enable workflow automation and increase efficiency.

Improved Collaboration and Productivity

Unified management of Private Cloud, Public Clouds, and Edge Cloud results in better collaboration among teams, leading to higher productivity.

Streamlined DevSecOps Pipelines

Standardized Golden Blueprints offered through self-service catalogues reduce the risk of configuration disparity among development, testing, staging, and production environments, streamlining DevSecOps pipelines.

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Unified Management Portal

A single pane of glass across Hybrid-Cloud, Multi-Cloud, and Edge-Cloud environments.

Cross-Platform Customized Monitoring Dashboards

Improves observability for services spread across multiple clouds.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered Orchestration

Enhances Cloud Operations (CloudOps), Financial Operations (FinOps), Security Operations (SecOps), and Development Security Operations (DevSecOps), providing higher availability, better cost optimization, enhanced security, and improved DevSecOps functionality.

Tools Integration for Efficient Workflow Management

Provides integrations among management, monitoring, IT Service Management (ITSM), and security tools for workflow automation.

Standardized and Optimized Golden Blueprints

Offers Golden Blueprints in the self-service catalogues, optimized for cost, security, and performance.

Deployment and Configuration using Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

All deployments in DMI's Hybrid-Cloud+ solution use IaC and can integrate with any pre-existing IaC programs and repositories.

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unified management platform


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