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  • 500+

    Security professionals located around the world.

  • 24x7

    Security operations for Federal, State, and Local clients.

  • 10+

    Years of security work across Enterprise and Federal.

  • 4

    Of the top cloud providers partner with DMI.

  • 20+

    Partnerships with security organizations.

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Proactively Identify and Remediate Cyber Threats

DMI delivers customized cybersecurity and privacy solutions that align with each organization’s risk profile and mission objectives. We combine industry vertical expertise in regulated sectors with cutting-edge technologies to proactively identify and remediate ever-evolving cyber threats. Our solutions integrate enhanced visibility, cyber analytics, and orchestration and automation with policy, architecture, and governance, providing a well-defined security framework that aligns with NIST and CISA standards. We prioritize security improvements and measure their impact to ensure our cybersecurity and privacy solutions are operating as intended. Our world-class mobility solutions incorporate cybersecurity and privacy to protect applications and data regardless of their location.

  • Integrated Risk and Compliance Management

    DMI builds effective cyber risk management and compliance strategies that seamlessly streamline security documentation and compliance processes through standardized, machine-readable formats including OSCAL; automate security control assessment, monitoring, and reporting to improve efficiency and accuracy; enhance risk management by providing detailed, up-to-date information on control implementation and effectiveness; and facilitate internal and external audits with standardized, accessible security control data.

  • Zero Trust Security

    DMI helps customers achieve zero trust maturity through a continuous improvement lifecycle approach. It assesses the current maturity level of each zero trust pillar, develops a roadmap for zero trust improvements, and assists with implementation. DMI ensures that zero trust improvements increase maturity without impeding business operations by taking into account risk assessment, CX, UX, and OCM.

  • Security Operation Center

    DMI provides comprehensive Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration Automation Response (SOAR) detecting threats and vulnerabilities, and providing incident management and response. DMI collaborates with executive leadership including CIOs and CISO to provide a real-time view of security posture and support the implementation of mitigation measures as needed.

  • OT/IOT

    DMI secures connected devices including sensors, and highly specialized industrial infrastructure including control systems, human-machine interfaces, transportation infrastructure, and industrial robots. DMI extends security and privacy solutions into the field of operations, ensuring mission reliability and uninterrupted communications.

  • Privacy Management

    DMI protects customer data through the continuous discovery and classification of data assets and sensitive data and automates the application of access policies to protect and control access. DMI ensures that privacy standards including PCI, HIPAA, and GDPR are met and validated, ensuring businesses may be entrusted with customer data and using it wisely and only as required.

  • Insider Threat Defense

    DMI ingests and analyzes all security telemetry data to identify malicious insiders, third-party, and supply-chain attacks hidden within customer environments. Mean Time to Detect and Remediate insider threats are reduced through user behavioral analytics that quickly identify early indicators of compromise that highlight anomalous behavior and misuse of resources.

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Platform Overview

Zero Trust Security has become more complicated due to the proliferation of distributed endpoints, devices, applications, data, and cloud that create a larger attack surface combined with increased threats, more rapid exploitation of vulnerabilities, and the accelerated delivery of digital capabilities securely and continuously.

DMI’s Zero Trust Plus applies DMI’s Zero Trust Security framework and intelligent automation to deliver the most robust and effective security for enterprises as defined in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Zero Trust Maturity Model 2.0.

Meet the Experts


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Our alliances with leading commerce and technology partners enable us to deliver unmatched efficiency, scalability, cost savings, and innovation. These technology partnerships provide access to cutting-edge tools, best practices, and extensive knowledge to help you stay ahead in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape.

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We’re dedicated to advancing your organization’s technological edge and strengthening the tech infrastructure that enables you to meet your business objectives.

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